The Planar is a precision vision measurement system for precision sheet metal parts, which is specially suitable for the manufacturing of sheet metal parts, such as numerical control punch and laser cutting machine.
Research and development of Planar based on the most basic of the real requirements of the sheet metal, namely, the first part, the tail part detection. Under the environment of the "instant manufacturing, multi varieties, small batch, the traditional first piece and tail detection mode in terms of accuracy and efficiency are unable to meet production requirements, because the scrapping of the missed detection and false detection caused by batch and machine because waiting for first article inspection to stop waste has been the sheet metal manufacturing field is facing one of the biggest problems.
Planar sheet metal parts measuring machine completely subvert the definition of sheet metal detection for several decades. In the traditional testing methods, each size need to individually measured and recorded, so there is no way to avoid missed detection and false detection, speed detection couldn't get significantly improved. Planar in the field of sheet metal detection is only achieved by the "see that", so with the highest detection speed - for the most complex parts, 30 seconds to obtain a complete test results!